
3 Generations of Crafters

We finally made it through soccer season and two banquets, so this weekend I thought it would be fun to do more crafting. Yea I know like I don't do that everyday! This time however I invited my mom(no she is not the wicked stepmother) and my grandmother over. My grandmother is an incredible crafter. When I was younger she used to paint china and was amazing!!! Now she beads the most incredible jewelry and such. She tried to teach me but I am an instant gratification kind of a girl. She was teaching my mom who is also a great crafter. She spent two hours beading and had a two inch circle! LOL I spent the same amount of time and finished 6 key chains. That is more my style, but I sure do love my custom jewelry.

My super fantastic fairy godmother. I get all of my skills from her.

One of the little princes had to be right in the mix of things. That is ok, we enjoy spending time with him too. We just spend the whole time saying, "stop it, "don't touch that," "stop shaking the table!"

These are the key chains I made. They are so stinkin cute! You can find a great tutorial here. I just love her blog!

Key Chains 6847905909260384506

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