Wood + Mason Jars=Love
First comes wood
Then come jars
Then comes a cute picnic set sitting in a wooden carriage.
To make the wooden boxes you will need:
- 4 x 4 cedar fence pickets (Mine cost $.57 and you need 1 maybe two if you goof up)
- Wood Glue
- hole saw(optional)
- Brad nailer or finish nails
Super simple construction cut the following pieces
- 2-12 1/2 inch boards
- 1-11 1/2 inch board
- 2 4 inch boards
Next cut your holes in the 4 inch pieces if you desire, using hole saw.
Then simply glue and brad nail all of the sides together, add some pint jars and there you have rustic, adorable, practical!
Don’t be afraid of power tools they are fun. They really shouldn’t take shop out of schools these are the skills I use most!
Besides your mate will think you are a hot mess all full of sawdust, wearing safety goggles, wielding a brad nailer.
Who needs lingerie?
This is not what I actually intended this project for but I can’t reveal that true purpose for a little while.
Wow! I love this idea, great for picnics this summer!