Royal Tomato Towers-a.k.a tomato cage


Do you ever wonder how on earth we can put a man on the moon, create a computer that fits in our pocket, but some how the perfect design of a tomato cage eludes us???

I have had them all and they all have one thing in common…..

they suck!!

They fall over, they bend, getting them in the ground is like wrestling a greased pig, they do pretty much everything, except hold my darn tomatoes!

I was complaining to Prince Charming and showed him an idea and he ran with it.  Let’s just say these tomato cages are swoon worthy.  I don’t even think we can call them cages that sounds unworthy. 

I think maybe Royal Tomato Towers is more fitting.  Man he is awesome!!


Isn’t it just lovely??!


He used scrap he had laying around and turned into a garden work of art!  Love it!!


They even have a door that swings open so I can gather all of my big, beautiful, sweet, juicy, vine ripened tomatoes. This baby will hold my plants for sure no matter how full the vines become.

Someday that little plant will be bigger.  I hope!

Happy planting everyone!

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