Strawberry Shortcake Shooters

Pheww what a week! I have been lovin’ on our teachers all week and I am beat!  I stole away to the peace and tranquility of my front porch for a little blog time to share a fun little dessert with you.  The air is fresh and crisp and the giggles of children fill the air it is reminiscent of lazy summer days and I love it!

Today we attended a luncheon in celebration of the Little Princess’s teachers and we were in charge of dessert.  I needed something super easy because I was busy making baskets and gifts and all sorts of fun stuff. 



I filled little plastic shot glasses with whip cream and skewered a strawberry and a piece of angel food cake on a toothpick. Easy, yet impressive my kind of dessert!

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I like to label my food so a fun little label is in order.


I found the little glasses at the liquor store.  Prince charming was mad when
I came running out of the store carrying, “lame little glasses” and no beer.


I left my wallet at home and only had his debit card and no i.d..  I told him I thought I looked so young that I would surely be carded and that would be embarrassing or they wouldn’t card me and I would be sobbing at the checkout stand because I look too old to card, either way it would be embarrassing.

So……………… I couldn’t get him beer. 

He didn’t laugh.

Neither did I!

Did he just call me old? 

Anyway, enjoy! I think these would be great to take to a Memorial Day BBQ and I just might do that!

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