Butterfly Snacks

Just flying in to share a sweet little snack.

The last few weeks of school are so dang busy and it is our turn to bring preschool snack.

What to do? What to do?  It needs to be cute, quick, easy and have some sort of nutritional value.


Perfect! This darling little snack fits the build and I didn’t have to kill myself to do it. Thank you Pinterest!


Snack size bags, pretzels, dried cranberries, clothes pins, google eyes, pipe cleaners and scrapbooking paper is all I needed to rock these cuties out.


They are Little Princess approved! She couldn’t wait to show them off to her little friends.

Have a fantastic day!

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  1. Ack! So cute. You put the rest of us to shame! I sent Ava with a box of Cheez-it crackers and a gallon of milk for snack on Wednesday. Totally stealing your idea for Ava's next snack day!

  2. Thanks Carrie!

    Kristin stop it! You know that is just how my brain works, and besides I have done a plain box of cookies and milk too. Pretty sure the kids don't care as long as you feed them.



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