
Who Knew Mens Shirts Could Be So Much Fun

Free time RULES!!!  This weekend is the calm before the storm.  No soccer, no running around well except one birthday so really no biggie.  I had some time to organize, clean and completely goof around on pinterest it was awesome!

There are all kinds of fun things you can do with t-shirts either old ones or new.  I am sick of all my shirts so I thought I would spend a little time making a few.  When I say little I mean little I whipped this up in 15 minutes tops and that includes taking it on and off to get the fit just right! 


Who knew a men’s shirt could turn out so darn cute!  I bought a size large I should have gone with a medium maybe, I don’t know I love that I could customized the fit to hide all those mommy bits.


I used this basic design from PSIMadethis.  I did change a few things.  I used the hem that I cut off to create a strap for the other side I felt like my girls were going to come flying out so for a little safety I added a strap.  I also added a side seam but that was because my shirt was huge.  I used smaller ruffles and I added a ruffle to the back.

I adore this shirt and it cost me $1.80 to make now that is a budget Prince Charming won’t balk about!  I have more fun with t-shirts to share this week so stay tuned! 

Post a Comment

  1. You are a crafter of all things my friend! I am just amazed at the things you make, from wood, to crafts, to sewing!! I just love this t-shirt, so cute on you!! I also enjoy your blog even though I don't comment. But trying to start doing that more.

  2. This is cute!! I saw it on Pinterest - and I decided not to make it because it's not something that I would wear all the time - but I think it's Really Cute on you! :)

  3. LOVE it...and it's really cute on you!



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